Adriana Suárez Corona

  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Universidad de León
  • León, España

  • Contact: asuac [at]
  • Research interests: Cryptography and information security: provable security, key establishment protocols, identity-based cryptography, attribute-based cryptography, certificateless cryptography, compilers, cryptanalysis...


  • María. I. González Vasco, Ángel L. Pérez del Pozo, Adriana Suárez Corona. "Pitfalls in a server-aided authenticated group key establishment". Information Sciences. 2016. Available here.
  • Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. "Scalable attribute-based group key establishment: from passive to active and deniable". Applied Algebra in Engineering (AAECC), Communication and Computing, Vol. 25, Issue 1-2, pages 1-20, April 2014. Available here
  • Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. "Identity-based non-interactive key distribution with forward security". In Designs, Codes and Cryptography (DCC) Vol. 64, No.1-2, pages 195-208, 2011. Available here
  • Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. "Cryptanalysis of a 2-party key establishment based on a semigroup action problem". In Advances in Mathematics of Communication (AMC) Vol. 5, No. 1, pages 87-92 , 2011. Available here
  • Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. "Attribute-based group key establishment". In Advances in Mathematics of Communication (AMC) Vol. 4, No. 3, pages 381-398 ,2010. Available here


  • David Naccache, Rainer Steinwandt, Adriana Suárez Corona and Moti Yung. Narrow Bandwidth is not Inherent in Reverse Public-Key Encryption. Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2014). Lecture Notes of Computer Sciences, Vol. 8642, 2014. Pages 598-607. Available here
  • Kashi Neupane, Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. Scalable Deniable Group Key Establishment. Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2012). Lecture Notes of Computer Sciences, Vol. 7743, 2013. Pages 365-373. Available here
  • Kashi Neupane, Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. Group Key Establishment: adding perfect forward secrecy at the cost of one round. International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2012). Lecture Notes of Computer Sciences, Vol. 7712, 2012. Pages 158-168. Available here
  • Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. “On the group generated by the round functions of DESL”. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Computacional and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2011, Volume III, Editor: J. Vigo Aguiar (Spain), ISBN 978846146167-7, pages 1063-1069, June 2011
  • Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona. “Identity-based non-interactive key distribution with forward security”. In Actas de la XI Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, RECSI 2010, Publisher: URV, ISBN 9788469333044, pages 69-72, September 2010.
  • Consuelo Martínez, Rainer Steinwandt and Adriana Suárez Corona.“Attribute-based group key establishment: a non-technical introduction”. In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Computacional and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2010, Volume II, Editor: J. Vigo Aguiar (Spain), ISBN 9788461355104, pages 621-628, June 2010.

Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of Universidad de León since September 2014

  • Cálculo
  • Métodos Matemáticos
  • Álgebra
  • Seguridad Informática
  • Modelos matemáticos, redes neuronales y algoritmos genéticos.
  • Computación neuronal y evolutiva.
  • Criptografía in Master Profesional en Tecnologías de la Seguridad.

Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics of University of Denver: September 2013-June 2014

  • Foundations Seminar on Cryptography.
  • Business Calculus.
  • Calculus II.
  • Calculus of Several Variables.

Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Florida Atlantic University: August 2012-May 2013:

  • Calculus I.
  • Discrete Mathematics.
  • Coordinator of the Cybersecurity Seminar.

Doctoral Researcher at Departamento de Matemáticas of Universidad de Oviedo from 2008 to 2012.

  • Supported with a FPU Grant of Spanish Ministry of Science.

Visiting Researcher at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Florida Atlantic University. Working with Prof. Rainer Steinwandt.

Stays: September 2009- December 2009; September 2010- May 2011; February 2012- April 2012.

Adjunct in Florida Atlantic University during Spring 2011:

  • Methods of Calculus.

Teaching Assistant in Universidad de Oviedo during Fall 2011:

  • Mathematical Foundations.
  • Linear Algebra.
  • Algebra II.

Undergraduate Intern in the Departamento de Matemáticas of Universidad de Oviedo during 2006-2007