Patia is a web application that provides privacy-related insider information about iOS applications, whose project manager is Vicente Matellán Olivera. You can find out at a glance what kind of data is potentially accessible by iOS apps. Patía incorporates a database with information about many iOS applications. The list of available applications will grow over time as soon as possible.
The information provided is the result of an automatic analysis of the free iOS apps available in the Spanish App Store. The analysis was performed with the software developed by the GISSiM group. It checks whether an application has iOS API functions that could access personal data. Whether the application is actually using the data or not.
The GISSiM group and the University of León are distributing this information as academic dissemination of their research results without any implication or claim for the security of these applications.
To use Patia go to on your computer, tablet or phone. Browse the “Top 400 Free Apps” list or search for your favorite application in the “All Apps” section.