Cookies Policy

The website of RIASC uses cookies (small files with information that the server sends to the user's computer when he accesses to the website) for the correct behavior and visualization of the website, they are also used to gather statistical information. The next cookies are used:

Cookies Type Temporality Ownership Purpose Where are they used?
Google Analytics:
  • _ga
  • Other cookies to be loaded by the Google monitorization service of visits [1]
Analytical Persistent/
Conditions: [2]
To generate a unique identifier for the user that is used to calculate the total amount ot times that the user visits the website and also the first and the last time he accesses. To register the date and the time when the user accesses the website. To gather the approximate geographical location of the user with statistical purposes.
Cookies advert:
  • cookieconsent_status
Technical Temporal Foreign.
Conditions: [3]
Acceptance of the cookies advert.

[1] - The use of the cookies of Google Analytics in the website:
[2] - Privacy conditions of Google Analytics:
[3] - Acceptance of the use of cookies adapted to the UE regulation:

Third-party services

Additionally, RIASC appears in third-party portals and services that have their own privacy and cookies policies:

Acceptance of the cookies policy

RIASC shows information about its Cookies Policy in the bottom of every page of the website until the user accepts it.
The user can:

  • accept the cookies advert: the user accepts the cookies policy and the message will not be shown again.
  • continue surfing the web: we consider the user accepts the cookies policy but the message remains.


Cookies script license

In order to show the cookies advert in the website of RIASC, it is used a JavaScript component (MIT license developed by:
Copyright (c) 2015 Silktide Ltd (

The documentation of this component is available at: