Ciberseguridad para jóvenes: perspectiva tecnológica y laboral

  • Start Date: July 16, 2018
  • End Date: July 27, 2018
  • Enrollment deadline[Extended]:July 6, 2018 July 15, 2018.
  • Level: Beginner
  • Location: Módulo de Investigación en Cibernética in the Campus of Vegazana.
  • Directors:
    • Miguel Carriegos Vieira: Director of RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCES IN CYBERSECURITY (RIASC) and teacher at Escuela de Ingenierías Industrial, Informática y Aeronáutica, Universidad de León
    • Adriana Suarez Coronoa: Professor. Director of the International Projection Area. Member of Research Institute of Applied Sciences in Cybersecurity (RIASC), Universidad de León


  • Provide an overview of cybersecurity approached from a technological, industrial and labor perspective.
  • Getting young people are aware of the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity.
  • Allowing young people, especially high school students acquire basic concepts on cybersecurity before pursue higher education or enter the workforce.
  • Provide a first contact with methodologies and exposure of ordinary skill in university teaching.

Competencies and learning outcomes

  • Develop and defend basic arguments and solve basic problems within the area of cybersecurity.
  • Acquire an overview on relevant technological, labor and industrial nature from the perspective of cybersecurity.
  • Understand some solutions broadly applied in the technological, industrial and labor environment in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Know roughly the most topical issues in the field of cybersecurity.
9:00 - 15:00 Redes anónimas y cibercrimen Sistemas operativos y la seguridad Auditorías de seguridad [9:00-16:00]
Desarrollo seguro de aplicaciones
Seguridad en redes
9:00 - 15:00 Análisis de malware y reversing Análisis forense digital Seguridad en sistemas ciber-físicos Legislación y regulación: aspectos jurídicos [9:00-16:00]
  • Places: 22
  • Registration fee:*
    • High school students(Bachillerato), Vocational Education and Training(FP medio) and Certificate of Higher Education(FP superior): 275 €
    • Other students: 400 €
  • Duration: 60 hours
  • Credits ECTS: 6
  • Enrollment deadline: Will be announced soon

(*): Rates include the necessary measures to overcome the course and a daily lunch (scheduled at 11:30) consisting of coffee or tea, water, orange juice, omelette, sausage selection of Leon and pastries classes. A major is possible to pay an additional fee to enjoy food and accommodation in "La Colegiata" (contact course directors for more detail).

To enroll in the course, click here.

If you opt for reduced tuition, you must submit supporting documentation compliance requirements* (to be currently enrolled in a first, second year of High School, Vocational Education and Training or Certificate of Higher Education): Once completed the registration form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to send this documentation.

(*): Registration form in high school, proof issued by the Secretariat of the Centre or the like.


HOTEL Hotel Paris Posada Regia Real Colegiata
Fees per night per person Shared double room* 24,50€ 39,50€ 39,00€
Individual 39,00€ 48,92€ 54,00€
Double room for individual use 49,00€ 65,97€ 54,00€
Phone (0034) 987 238600 (0034) 987 213173 (0034) 987 875088
Distance to the venue of the course 2,2 km (walking)
3,4 km (by car)
2,3 km (walking)
4 km (by car)
1,9 km (walking)
3,6 km (by car)
Other information Breakfast included; including a relaxing hour and a half circuit per person per day in the hotel spa ; Free gym; parking at the hotel (price : 11 € ) Breakfast buffet included Breakfast included

All prices include VAT. Must be identified as attending the Summer Course ULE "Ciberseguridad para jóvenes".

Reservations and payments are handled directly with the hotels .

In addition to these rates , it is also possible to book on other conditions ( for example, half or full board ); check with each hotel individually.

( * ) If you opt for a shared double room , you must indicate whether the passenger is known (along with its data, to process the reservation) or if it is not (in which case , room shared with other attendees course , which will be allocated from the Hotel ).


Leon is also a Spanish cities with more fame as a tapas (which are also free with the drinks ) is concerned, always appearing at the top (sometimes the first ) of the ranking elaborated that purpose by many entities and agencies.

In this regard, a list and map of local recommended tapas located in the vicinity of the hotels will be provided .

In the hotels listed , there is also possibility to hire half board or full board ; check with each hotel individually for details and fee ( identified as attending the summer course ULE " Cybersecurity for young people" to enjoy special rates ).