Master of Research in Cybersecurity

  • Level: Postgraduate. Official Master.
  • Teaching modalities: In-classroom and online
  • Duration: 2 years - 120 ECTS.
  • Start date (for academic year): 24th of September 2018.
  • End date (for academic year): Will be announced soon.
  • Registration:
    • Ask to coordinator
  • Location: Módulo de Investigación en Cibernética, Campus de Vegazana.
  • Program Director:
    • Miguel Carriegos Vieira: Professor. Director of Research Institute of Applied Sciences in Cybersecurity (RIASC), Universidad de León
  • Coordinator:
    • Adriana Suarez Coronoa: Professor. Director of the International Projection Area. Member of Research Institute of Applied Sciences in Cybersecurity (RIASC), Universidad de León

The Master of Research in Cybersecurity from Universidad de León is a two years cybersecurity research centric academic degree. It is taught in two 60 ECTS courses:

The first course allows students to obtain knowledge in the most relevant cybersecurity research fields: systems (operating system and network) cybersecurity, software security, cyber-physical systems security (including industrial security), human aspects and legal implications of cybersecurity, mathematics for cybersecurity, and security auditing and forensics. All modules are mandatory, allowing students to gather knowledge enough to know where they would like to start their future research.

The second course is split in two semesters; during the first one students choose elective subjects of their preference to expand their knowledge in their field of choice: systems, software, industrial, human & legal, mathematics, auditing and forensics, or even practical experience, a six month paid work experience in a cybersecurity related company; during the second part of the year, they work on their master thesis.

In addition, RENIC(Red de Excelencia Nacional de Investigación en Ciberseguridad), is a collaborator entity and the Master in Cybersecurity has been chosen as one of the best Masters in Spain, the unique in Cybsersecurity, for the course 2017-2018 by the newspaper EL MUNDO.

The master degree is taught completely in Spanish and the content will be offered, with international scope, both in-classroom and online (using the AVIP platform of Spanish UNED).

For any enquiry about the degree, or for registration, please do not hesitate to contact us by email (

You can access the full details of the Master in Cybersecurity here (in Spanish).